Goharbar News

Goharbar News and announcements

All the announcements related to publicity of our products and services including new additions to the varieties will be posted here

Goharbar in local news TV channel
Goharbar News

Goharbar in local news TV channel

Goharbar farm and nursery in local news TV channel

Ehsan Davarynejad
Ehsan Davarynejad
Interview with our CEO, Dr Ehsan Davarynejad
Goharbar News

Interview with our CEO, Dr Ehsan Davarynejad

A while ago the CEO of Goharbar Farm & Nursery, Dr Ehsan Davarynejad, has been inteviewd by IANA. What follows next is a summary of that inteview.

Ehsan Davarynejad
Ehsan Davarynejad
Overview of Rootstocks in Grafting and Horticulture
Goharbar News

Overview of Rootstocks in Grafting and Horticulture

Understanding the Role and Benefits of Rootstocks in Plant Propagation and Cultivation

Ehsan Davarynejad
Ehsan Davarynejad

We provide premium nursery stock

along with technology-led garden consultancy

and design services to both private and public sector organisations

large and small.

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